Hip Pain During Pregnancy: Causes And How To Treat It
Your body undergoes several changes as a result of pregnancy hormones. Hip pain is one of the many primary annoyances that a pregnant woman faces. Hip discomfort becomes more severe throughout the second and third trimesters as the body becomes larger to support the developing baby and cannot handle the increased weight. In the third trimester, the body begins to prepare for labor, and hurting hips in pregnancy is a frequent symptom. In this article, we’ll cover most of what you need to know about hip discomfort during pregnancy.
Hip pain and pregnancy
Many pregnant ladies have hip discomfort. While some women can cope with the discomfort, hip pain affects one out of three pregnant women, making it difficult to sleep or conduct daily chores. Soreness and tenderness are more common on the side of the uterus where the baby lies. At least half of all expectant mothers have back, hip, or pelvic discomfort throughout their pregnancy. These pains get more prominent as the pregnancy proceeds. Below we discuss hip pain during pregnancy causes and treatment
The causes and treatment of hip pain
Hip discomfort is a natural part of pregnancy, and it’s simply another sign that the pelvic region is preparing for childbirth. Pregnancy hormones relax the ligaments that hold the sacroiliac joints (which connect the spine to the pelvis), allowing the pelvic bones to move during birthing. During pregnancy, the physical changes in the body create acute hip discomfort. The softening and shifting of the pelvic bones and the strain of carrying the baby exacerbate the problem. Let’s look at some of the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and lead to hip discomfort.
- Relaxing
The hormone relaxin, necessary for a calm delivery, is produced as early as the first trimester. Relaxin is created at massive levels during the third trimester, stimulating the pelvic joints and muscles to relax, stretch, and become flexible. It aids in the loosening and increasing flexibility of the joints and ligaments between the pelvic bones, preparing the birth canal for smooth delivery. The baby’s flexible bones facilitate seamless migration through the body during labour.
- Sciatica
When your uterus expands, the two sciatic nerves in your body (which go from your lower spine to your feet) are put under a lot of strain. During pregnancy, the additional strain on the sciatic nerve produces acute hip cramps. The larger uterus puts pressure on the nerves, causing cramping in the hips, thighs, and lower back. In general, you will experience numbness, discomfort, and tingling, which is a frequent symptom of sciatica.
- Round ligament pain
Round ligament pain is an intense jabbing ache in the lower belly and groin that is considered a typical component of pregnancy. To accommodate and support the baby, the two-round ligaments on either side of the uterus expand and thicken. The aches are mild spasms that last a few seconds and are bothersome but not dangerous. An abrupt action, such as coughing, sneezing, or getting out of bed, causes this. These actions cause the ligament to tighten, resulting in a jabbing sensation. The discomfort is internal and difficult to assess, but it would run down the bikini line of a high-cut bathing suit if it were traced on the skin.
- Osteoporosis is just temporary
Osteoporosis is more common in women over 40, although it can also strike pregnant women in the second and third trimesters. If you get unexpected hip discomfort that worsens when walking or doing other usual physical activity, see a doctor. The illness may be diagnosed with an MRI scan, and the prognosis can last up to two months. It might lead to a hip fracture if left untreated.
- Additional Hip Pain Causes During Pregnancy
The following factors can also cause hip discomfort during pregnancy
Increased body weight due to pregnancy can strain the pelvis, causing it to move and cause hip discomfort.
Because the baby’s growing weight will disrupt your body’s normal equilibrium, it’s critical to keep excellent posture right from the start.
Women who are overweight or have had previous back or hip issues will almost certainly feel hip discomfort while pregnant. The developing uterus adds to the pressure on the pelvis, putting additional strain on your back and hips.
How to relieve hip pain during pregnancy
- Use of pregnancy pillows
A good night’s sleep is essential for a pregnant mother, and sleeping with excellent posture and sufficient support helps reduce sleep issues. A pregnant pillow will help you sleep better by supporting your pelvic area. The cushion conforms to the curve of the user’s body and provides support for the back, expanded tummy, and legs.
- Sleeping on the side
In the third trimester, hip pain can be a source of discomfort when lying down. Sleep on your side with your knees and legs bent to ease this. Try sleeping with a blanket or pillow beneath your lower back if the discomfort persists. Use a cushion to support the abdominal and upper leg region for added comfort. When sleeping, avoid crossing your legs since this puts more strain on your hips.
- Use of heat remedy
Pregnancy hip discomfort might be relieved by taking a hot bath or applying a hot water bottle to your hips. A warm bath and a massage with warm oil may also be very calming, but make sure the message is moderate.
- Enough rest
Having a hot bath or placing a hot water bottle on your hips may help ease pregnancy hip pain. Warm baths and warm oil massages can also be quite relaxing, but make sure the message is gentle.
- Prenatal massages
Pregnancy hip discomfort might be relieved by taking a hot bath or applying a hot water bottle to your hips. Warm baths and warm oil massages may also be quite calming, but the massage should be done gently.
- Water therapy
Because the developing uterus pinches the nerves, sciatica hip pain is persistent during pregnancy. Swimming is an excellent kind of exercise for pregnant women. It promotes blood flow and relieves constriction. It also helps you stay in shape by reducing the pressure on your sciatic nerves.
Other methods include; the use of belt girdles, yoga and pirates.
In conclusion, hip pain is joint in pregnancy and can be caused by various things. The above mentioned are the causes and tips for relieving hip pain.